Monday, 29 June 2009

How to inflate a balloon

Yesterday, in the afternoon, we went out for a balloon party.
Just sitting in this field and puffing and blowing on those shining glitter ballooons, here comes some advice:

Hold the nozzle of the balloon in your mouth and pinch the balloon about one inch away from the nozzle. Just hold the rolled nozzle (collar) between your lips, not your teeth.
Hold the balloon between my thumb and index finger, palm out. Let the index finger and thumb of my other hand glide down the balloon while I inflate.
While blowing, stretch the section of balloon you are holding a small amount, pinch the nozzle closed so no air comes out, and take a deep breath. Now, if possible, fill the balloon with one breath. Use stomach muscles and not cheek muscles. Puffing up your cheeks and blowing from your head will only succeed in making you dizzy and possibly hurting your eyes and ears.

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